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IPC graces global varsity town again
AD Pradeep Kumar & Nandita Vijay | Thursday, December 16, 2010, 08:00 Hrs  [IST]

With the theme “Pharma Vision 2020: Pharmacist for Better Healthcare”, one of the most important pharma events in India, the 62nd Indian Pharmaceutical Congress (IPC), hosted by Indian Hospital Pharmacists’ Association (IHPA), a professional body of practising pharmacists in the country, will be held three days from December 17 to 19 at Manipal University.

This event is taking place for the third time in Manipal city which located in the Udupi district of coastal Karnataka, reputed as a centre of learning and a high spot of academics in India. It is thus often called the 'International University Town'.

Manipal University has several institutions under its care, where students from different parts of India and 49 other countries come to get high quality professional education in various fields including pharmacy.

At the same time, Manipal College of Pharmaceutical Sciences (MCOPS) has been in the forefront of imparting pharmacy education for about 47 years. Nurtured and supported by Manipal University, the college successfully runs programmes from D Pharm to PhD. It has nine specialisations at M Pharm. It is therefore significant that the 62nd IPC is taking place at Manipal.

The 62nd IPC is a testimony to the ability of Manipal University, which has carved out a niche for itself in the area of professional education,to host mega events. It will also help to boost the status of pharmacy profession in the country as a whole.

Dr. V S Acharya, Minister for Higher Education, Government of Karnataka will be inaugurating the Congress at Manipal University at 5.30 PM on December 17. Besides him, Dr. B Suresh (Vice Chancellor, JSS University, Mysore and President Pharmacy Council of India, New Delhi) and the noted entrepreneur Dr. B R Shetty (Neopharma, Abu Dhabi) will be present on the occasion as Guests of Honour.

Besides the delegates, leaders from the federating associations of Indian Pharmaceutical Congress Association (IPCA), a galaxy of pharmacy professionals from academia and industry and officers of Manipal University will also be gracing the occasion.

Says Dr. N Udupa, Chief Coordinator, 62nd IPC “I consider 62nd Indian Pharmaceutical Congress a huge ship carrying about 10000 people on board. We have about 8000 delegates and about 500 speakers, chairmen and co-chairmen. For smooth sailing of the ship we have a very strong local organizing committee members of about 500 and about 1000 volunteers”.

According to the organizers, top priority has been given to enhance the science content of the congress and discuss the recent advancements in pharmaceutical sciences and the profession. There will be 85 lectures to be delivered by 55 Indian and 30 foreign speakers. Sixteen symposia have been planned with stress on specific areas of interest, one of which will be on the menace of spurious drugs. This is a subject which has worldwide interest as it threatens the health of drug consumers. This symposium has been planned in deference to the wishes of our former president, Dr. Abdul Kalam.

Some of the lectures at the congress are in memory of stalwarts in the profession of pharmacy in India. While Dr. V M Katoch, Director General of Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR) will be delivering the B V Patel Memorial Lecture, Mr. Praful Seth (Vice President, International Pharmaceutical Federation),will be delivering the ML Khorana Memorial Lecture.

MCOPS had instituted a lecture- the 42nd IPC Commemoration Lecture- after hosting the 42nd IPC in 1990. This year Dr. Jawahar S Bapna (Director, Jaipur College of Pharmacy), will be delivering this lecture.

An exhibition- Pharmaceutical Expo 2010 will be an added attraction at the IPC. An area of 8000 sq.m has been earmarked for this expo at the Manipal Institute of Technology athletic ground for the more than 150 exhibitors.

All leading players in the manufacture of laboratory equipment, plant and machinery will be having their stalls at the expo. Each of the federating associations of IPCA also will be having their stalls. Manipal University also has been allotted a stall. As a gesture to students and interested local people, the access to the exhibition will be free. The stalls will be open for business purposes from 10 am to 3 pm, while others can make visits between 3 pm and 6 pm. Dr. B R Shetty will be inaugurating the exhibition at 10 am on December 17.

A mammoth congregation of 10,000 visitors are expected at this year's congress, comprising 7000 registered delegates, 500 complimentary registrations, 85 speakers, 500 chairpersons and co-chairpersons and the local participants including 1000 volunteers.

The delegates include CEOs and top executives of the pharmaceutical industry, officers from regulatory departments, pharmacists from trade and profession, research and development personnel, pharmaceutical consultants, hospital administration, top officials of central and state agencies, academics and teachers from medical and pharmacy colleges. Extensive arrangements have been made for their accommodation, transport and food and entertainment.

Entertainments for the delegates and accompanying persons have been arranged at KMC Greens in the evenings of December 18 and 19 from 5.30 to 8 pm. While on the Dec 18 , Swaratma Fusion Rock Band (Mumbai) will be providing high-octane music, the local talents of Manipal University will be performing on Dec 19. On both days, daytime entertainments will be at Syndicate Bank Golden Jubilee Hall, performed by Thakur and Co.

An MCOPS alumni meet is slated for the morning of December 16 , enabling the alumni from different corners of the world to come to Manipal and interact with one another. Two pre-conference workshops will be held on December 15 and 16 under the sponsorship of IHPA and ICMR.

The local organising committee will be felicitating 30 eminent pharmacy professionals on the morning of December 17 at Chaithya Hall in Fortune Inn Valley View. A few books in pharmaceutical sciences, written by some of the faculty members of MCOPS, will also be released during the programme.

Says Dr. H S Ballal, Pro Chancellor of Manipal University and Chairman, local organising committee, “I know that the annual conference or IPC is a mega event and attracts academicians, industrialists and students in large numbers. For the many young pharmaceutical scientists and students it gives an opportunity to rub shoulders with national and international experts in various areas of pharmaceutical sciences”.

“ The congress is a forum for pharmaceutical scientists and technocrats from India and abroad to deliberate on the recent advancements in drug development, problem areas in industry and academia. I am sure they will be eager to translate the research findings to produce effective and cheaper drugs for use of masses afflicted by innumerable debilitating diseases” , he adds.

The main objective of the IPC is to provide a platform for advancement of pharmacy and pharmaceutical sciences, develop strategies for professional and social interaction amongst pharmacy and allied professional scientists collectively. Through the symposia, delegates will get an opportunity to learn the advancements in various fields of pharmacy and also get a chance to interact with top scientists in their fields. The conference will focus on the presentation of current scientific research and practical knowledge and developments in the field of pharmaceutical sciences on the transfer of current scientific knowledge and research findings into practice. The objective of the event is to help disseminate knowledge and facilitate exchange of new ideas amongst the pharmacy professionals.

The annual pharma exposition has been a much sought after venue for the pharma industry colleges, practising pharmacists, clinical researchers and regulators to congregate and discuss the development and the way forward for the industry.

The IPC is organized every year by IPCA, which is a federation of five professional bodies viz Indian Pharmaceutical Association (IPA), Indian Pharmaceutical Graduates’ Association (IPGA), Indian Hospital Pharmacists’ Association (IHPA), Association of Pharmaceutical Teachers’ of India (APTI) and All India Drugs Control Officers' Confederation (AIDCOC).

IPCA is the apex body representing Indian pharmacists working in various capacities, viz pharmaceutical industry, research & development, quality control, quality assurance, academics, drugs control departments, hospitals, community & clinical pharmacy, marketing etc. Total strength of all five federation associations would be more than 20,000 professionals / pharmacists as members.

According to SL Nasa, president, 62nd Indian Pharmaceutical Congress, “The practice of pharmacy has seen tremendous changes in the recent years. In the west, the pharmacists play stellar roles along with doctors and nurses in healthcare delivery. The conditions in India up to now have not been satisfactory for the pharmacists. Except in rare instances, the pharmacists in India play only a passive role in patient care. It is this lacuna that IHPA is trying to address. The IHPA aims to secure for them their rightful place through more active involvement in pharmaceutical care. They must strive for excellence and status in the society. Professional ethics must be maintained. For assuming new responsibilities, they should gain more knowledge and develop skills.”

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